The Benefits of Dental Crowns and Bridges

Are you wondering if dental crowns and bridges are right for you?

Are you currently dealing with tooth loss? Are you looking for a way to replace your missing teeth? If so, our Marietta, GA, cosmetic dentist Dr. James Hutson offers amazingly realistic and incredibly long-lasting crowns and bridges for patients who are looking to fill gaps in their smiles after tooth loss. Here are just some of the benefits associated with getting dental crowns and bridges.

Restore Chewing

Nothing is more difficult than chewing certain foods when you are missing one or several teeth. The good news is that by simply getting crowns and bridges to replace your missing teeth, our Marietta, GA, dental team can improve chewing forces so that it’s so much easier to eat all the foods you love without putting stress on your other teeth.

Make Speaking Easier

Another problem that people who are missing multiple teeth often face, is difficulty saying certain words or the development of a lisp. Fortunately, our dental team can help restore your speech by simply placing a dental bridge to fill gaps with resilient and natural-looking false teeth that will make it easier to pronounce any words without impediments.

Keep Teeth From Shifting Around

By placing teeth in these gaps, we can also prevent the rest of your natural teeth from slowly shifting into these spaces. This is why it’s important to replace missing teeth as soon as possible. Most healthy individuals who are missing at least one tooth are often ideal candidates for crowns and bridges.

Improve Your Appearance

This is more of an obvious benefit, but one that we still need to recognize. After all, nothing can make someone feel more embarrassed by their appearance than having large unsightly gaps in their smile. We know the toll that tooth loss can have not just on a person’s health but also on their appearance. We can help you get your full, confident smile back!

If you are interested in getting crowns and bridges from our expert dental team here in Marietta, GA, the next step is to call our office at (770) 424-7525 to schedule a consultation. We would be happy to sit down with you to discuss which tooth replacement options are right for you.

Contact Us

Call Today (770) 424-7525
707 Whitlock Ave. SW, Suite B22
Marietta, GA 30064

Dentist in Marietta, GA
James Hutson, DDS, PC
707 Whitlock Ave. SW, Suite B22
Marietta, Ga 30064
(770) 424-7525
Dentist in Marietta, GA Call For Pricing Options