Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants

Cosmetic dental technology has come a long way since dentures were the only tooth replacement game in town. In fact, dentures themselves have also been modernized and improved to offer natural looking, effective alternatives for patients of all ages, at any stage of tooth loss. And while the ability to eat and speak clearly, along with the cosmetic and social concerns attached to the appearance of Dental Implantsour teeth can all be addressed with a quality set of dentures or crowns and bridges, they have been limited to addressing tooth loss above the gum line. This leaves an empty space, where the root of the natural tooth once maintained order and structure in the invisible but important world inside the gums.

Smile Restoration with Dental Implants in Marietta

Dental implants are revolutionary in that they address the full scope of tooth loss by replacing the root of the missing tooth, to which the replacement crown is later attached. Our teeth are supported by a network of bone tissue inside the gums. When we lose one or several teeth, the bone tissue around the empty space where the roots used to be begins to erode.

Dr. James Hutson, a restorative and cosmetic dentist in Marietta, GA, recommends implants as a long-term, permanent solution to tooth loss. Once the implant, a titanium, biocompatible cone-shaped screw is in place, it gradually fuses with the surrounding bone tissue in the jaw, locking it in place to form an anchor for the cosmetic crown. Patients with full or partial dentures can also benefit from implants for added stability and support. Candidates for the procedure are in good overall health, with sufficient healthy bone tissue in the jaw.

Contact a Cosmetic Dentist in Marietta, GA

Whether you have been considering dental implants for some time, or would like more information on how they work and whether they are right for you, it is never too late or too early to invest in a healthy, beautiful smile. To learn more, contact Dr. James Hutson at (770) 424-7525 to schedule an appointment today.

Contact Us

Call Today (770) 424-7525
707 Whitlock Ave. SW, Suite B22
Marietta, GA 30064

Dentist in Marietta, GA
James Hutson, DDS, PC
707 Whitlock Ave. SW, Suite B22
Marietta, Ga 30064
(770) 424-7525
Dentist in Marietta, GA Call For Pricing Options